In-person or online? Both!

Not tied to a specific location, but always live, on-site or online – hybrid conferences pave the way to the future and are the ideal fusion between online and face-to-face events. At the Median Hotel in Lehrte, your conference hotel just outside Hanover, we offer you the perfect setting for your multimedia event. Take advantage of the latest technology, the inspiring surroundings, and our spacious rooms just outside Hanover!

Hybrid conferences in Lehrte

Your advantages

  • Communication without borders via live video stream with business partners all over the world
  • At-risk groups can attend events from home – without jeopardising their health
  • Travel restrictions or limitations do not affect your event
  • Increased number of participants, yet smaller carbon footprint

Special requests?
Contact us! We would be happy to help take care of your needs!

Our conference rooms

Hybrid conferences in Lehrte
Room 5
Tagungsinsel MEDIAN FÜNF .

High-quality technology for the meeting of the future: a dream for video conferences

Leading the…

Hybrid conferences in Lehrte
Room 4
80 people
Conference complex MEDIAN FÜNF .

The car-accessible room: the trendsetting stage for your event

Our car-accessible conference room…

Hybrid conferences in Lehrte
Room 20+21
40-120 people
Conference complex well&fit .

A view outside: space for new ideas with nature in sight

Design with attention to detail,…

Hybrid conferences in Lehrte
Room 6-8
60-200 people
Conference complex MEDIAN ZWEI .

The “Raumwunder”: area of inspiration for up to 200 people. This room can be combined.


Hybrid conferences in Lehrte
Room 1+2
24-80 people
Conference complex MEDIAN EINS .

The coworking area: a feel-good space that inspires the exchange of ideas.

An ultra-modern…

Hybrid conferences in Lehrte
Room 16-19
178m² + 120m² foyer
Up to 120 people
Conference complex MEDIAN VIER .

The “Kubus”: space to develop, indoors and outdoors

Hire a completely self-contained conference…

Hybrid conferences in Lehrte
Room 10
50 people
Conference complex MEDIAN DREI .

Interactivity made easy: teamwork at the whiteboard

A light-flooded dream room with a digital…

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